An Orphan’s Ascent

An Orphan’s Ascent

From Herding Goats to Lab Technician

Adam Jumanne Shabani’s story is a testament to resilience and transformation. At 25, Adam faced a world of challenges. Orphaned, having lost both his parents and managing a physical disability, he spent his early years in Dodoma, Tanzania, herding goats and cows and yearning for the education his peers were receiving

Through Foundation of Light’s Buraq Endowment scholarship Adam embarked on vocational training in science and laboratory technology. The hands-on training introduced him to a universe of scientific principles and laboratory techniques. He learned to navigate complex equipment, design experiments, and analyze data with precision.

These skills have not only paved a path for Adam’s career but he now sees a future filled with promise, equipped with the expertise to contribute meaningfully to his family and the community. He is a pillar of support and inspiration for those around him.

Adam extends his heartfelt gratitude to the donors who made this possible. He says,

“Your support means so much to me and has made a significant impact on my education. I am truly grateful for your belief in my potential and for helping to alleviate the financial burden of pursuing my academic goals. Your kindness and generosity have inspired me to work even harder and strive for success. Thank you for investing in my future and for being a part of my journey. I will always be grateful for your support”.